
Thorough Explanation of AGA Treatment

AGA (male pattern baldness), which is particularly common among men in 30s to 50s, is characterized by thinning hair and progressive hair loss. However, it is possible to slow or stop the progression of AGA by adopting the correct knowledge and starting appropriate treatment methods.

This article provides basic information on effective treatments for AGA, the latest treatments, and details on how to deal with side effects. It also details the best time to start treatment and its long-term impact on your life.

Read this article to get accurate information about AGA treatment and find the right treatment for you.

Osaka AGA Kato Clinic, with over 300 visits per month, offers the best treatment for each patient’s condition. Find the best treatment for you in a free consultation and be free from the worries of thinning hair.

The difference between AGA treatment and general hair loss treatment


AGA (male pattern baldness) and general hair loss treatment differ in their fundamental approach. AGA is due to genetic and hormonal influences, particularly dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Excessive production of DHT shortens the growth phase of hair, resulting in thinning and hair loss.

The causes of AGA are discussed in more detail in the following article.

Because this cause affects the hair growth cycle, treatment focuses on regulating hormone levels that inhibit DHT production and activating papilla cells.

On the other hand, common thinning hair is due to a variety of causes, including nutritional deficiencies, stress, and scalp problems. Therefore, treatment here focuses on stress reduction through therapy, nutritional supplementation, and relaxation to promote blood circulation to the scalp.

Characteristics of 6 types of AGA treatment methods


This section describes treatments that have been proven effective in AGA.


Minoxidil promotes hair growth by dilating capillaries in the scalp. Improved blood flow makes it easier for nutrients necessary for hair to reach the hair follicles, and is expected to promote hair growth. It is also expected to improve the shortened hair cycle.

Minoxidil is used as a topical drug and is applied directly to the scalp. Topical medications have the advantage of low risk of side effects.

It is also sometimes used as a minoxidil oral drug; it is positioned as an “offensive drug” in the treatment of AGA and promotes the growth of hair matrix cells and aids in hair growth.

Minoxidil was originally developed as a treatment for hypertension, it was discovered to have the side effect of hypertrichosis and subsequently approved for use in the treatment of AGA.

Minoxidil cost price

The market price for oral minoxidil is 5,000-8,000 yen per month. Topical minoxidil is slightly more expensive than oral minoxidil, costing 10,000-18,000 yen per month, depending on the concentration of minoxidil.

Finasteride (Propecia)

Finasteride (Propecia) inhibits the production of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the primary cause of AGA, and reduces hair loss. This reduces the progression of thinning hair and helps retain existing hair.

It is positioned as a “defensive drug” in AGA treatment and is effective in preventing the progression of thinning hair. Finasteride is used as an oral medication and is generally taken once a day.

Although it is relatively new to AGA treatment, it has been confirmed to inhibit the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, thereby suppressing the production of DHT.

It is generally considered to have few side effects, and was the first AGA treatment approved in Japan in 2005.

There is another finasteride drug, Finpecia, which is an unapproved treatment in India, but it is not recommended because it is not approved in Japan either.

Finasteride (Propecia) cost price

Propecia is priced between 8,000 yen and 10,000 yen (28 tablets). Propecia generics have the same main ingredients but feature a price about 20% lower.

Dutasteride (Zagallo)

Dutasteride (Zagallo), like finasteride, inhibits DHT production, but with a more potent effect. Dutasteride inhibits both type I and type II 5-alpha-reductase and suppresses DHT production more extensively than finasteride.

Dutasteride, as an oral medication, is usually recommended to be taken once a day.

It is a DHT inhibitor developed after finasteride and is relatively new in AGA treatment; it can more effectively slow the progression of thinning hair by more strongly inhibiting DHT production. However, it should be noted that it is more prone to side effects than Propecia.

Abolve, which also contains dutasteride as its main ingredient, was originally developed for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and is also used to AGA treatment.

Dutasteride (Zagallo) cost price

The cost of dutasteride treatment ranges from about 8,000 yen to 13,000 yen per month. Abolve features a price about 10% lower than that of Zagallo.

You can read more about the use of Zagallo at the Osaka AGA Kato Clinic in this article.

PRP Treatment

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy is a treatment in which a platelet-rich component is isolated from the patient’s own blood and injected into the scalp. It is a new approach to AGA that uses the patient’s own blood components.

The patient’s blood is drawn, specially processed to concentrate platelets, and these are injected directly into the area of thinning hair. Growth factors released from the platelets stimulate the hair matrix cells and promote hair growth.

It is used as an option for severe AGA that does not respond to oral or topical medications, or when there is concern about drug side effects. This treatment is an application of technology used to promote wound healing to the treatment of AGA.

PRP Treatment Cost price

The cost of PRP Treatment ranges from approximately 50,000 yen to 200,000 yen per treatment. However, the cost varies depending on the clinic and frequency of treatment.

This article explains in detail what kind of treatment PRP therapy is.

Hair transplantation surgery

Hair transplantation surgery is a permanent treatment used as a last resort for AGA treatment. Healthy hair follicles are harvested from the patient’s own hair-rich occipital area and transplanted to the area of thinning hair.

It is often chosen for advanced AGA that has not responded adequately to other treatment methods. Hair transplantation techniques have evolved over the years, and advanced surgical methods are now being developed that are expected to provide natural-looking and lasting results.

Permanent hair regrowth can be expected, but the success of the procedure depends on the technique and the quality of the hair follicles to be harvested.

Hair Transplantation Surgery cost price

The cost of hair transplantation surgery ranges from approximately 500,000 yen to 3,000,000 yen per surgery. The cost varies depending on the number of hair follicles to be transplanted and the surgical procedure.

Natural remedies

Natural remedies are methods of approaching AGA from within the body, such as dietary modification, supplements, and stress reduction, and are chosen as a healthier option in AGA treatment.

It is suitable for those who wish to avoid the side effects of pharmaceuticals and for those who wish to enhance natural healing. It is low-risk and may contribute to improved overall health.

Natural remedies cost price

In general, the cost of naturopathic treatments can vary widely, although they are often less expensive than treatments that use pharmaceuticals. It depends on the type of diet and supplements employed and where they are purchased.

Is the cost of AGA treatment covered by insurance?


In Japan, there is basically no health insurance coverage for AGA (male pattern baldness) treatment. This is because AGA treatment is considered “free treatment for cosmetic purposes” like cosmetic surgery such as double eyelids and liposuction, and is not deductible as a general medical expense.

However, in some cases, insurance coverage is available for other types of alopecia, such as alopecia areata, diffuse alopecia, and seborrheic alopecia. We recommend that you consult with the clinic and the tax office for details.

In addition, although many people misunderstand, the full cost of AGA treatment is borne by the patient, whether at an AGA clinic or at a general dermatology clinic.

What is the price and breakdown of AGA treatment costs?

The main breakdown of the cost of AGA treatment is as follows.

  • Consultation fee (initial and follow-up)
  • Charge for medical treatment
  • Inspection fee
  • Fee for a patient’s treatment

The largest weight is placed on the charge of medical treatment.

For early-stage AGA treated with oral medication, the cost of treatment is approximately 3,000-15,000 yen per month. Treatment with topical medications is estimated to cost 6,000-15,000 yen per month.

If symptoms are advanced and a combination of oral and topical medications are used, the monthly cost is estimated to be between 9,000 and 25,000 yen.

Treatment costs can also be reduced by choosing generic drugs.

Since AGA can often be improved with oral and topical medications alone, there is no need to necessarily start with expensive treatments such as PRP treatment or hair transplantation from the beginning.

When to start AGA treatment


The optimal time to begin AGA (male pattern baldness) treatment is when the following AGA-specific signs of thinning or hair loss begin to appear.

AGA is a progressive alopecia and the earlier treatment is initiated, the more effective it is; the earlier AGA treatment is initiated, the more likely it is to maintain a normal hair cycle and grow healthy hair.

Oral medications or a combination of oral and topical (ointment) medications are generally used, and the amount of the ointment can be reduced or discontinued if the effect is deemed sufficient.

Does AGA treatment also restore hair follicles?

Even with AGA treatment, once the hair follicles are lost, hair will not regrow in that area. Once lost, hair follicles do not return, but this does not mean the “end” to AGA treatment.

With early action and appropriate treatment, the remaining hair follicles and hair can be strengthened, maintained healthy, and improved in appearance.

How long does it take for AGA medications to work?

The effects of AGA medications can usually be felt within 3-6 months, and most people experience hair regrowth within a year. However, the realization of effects varies from person to person.

If no effect is seen, the treatment plan should be reviewed through consultation with the physician. It should be noted that AGA treatment is progressive, and if treatment is stopped, there is a high possibility that the hair will thin again.

What happens if stopping AGA treatment?


When AGA treatment is interrupted, the progression of hair loss often resumes, and the rate at which symptoms progress varies from person to person. In particular, the effects of therapeutic agents such as minoxidil are rapidly lost when treatment is stopped, and the patient is likely to return to his or her original condition.

Increased scalp oiliness and inflammation may also be seen; about 70% of patients who discontinue AGA treatment report an increase in hair loss within 6 months.

In addition, when treatment is interrupted and resumed, the effectiveness of the treatment may fluctuate. In some cases, especially if treatment has been interrupted for a long period of time, the same treatment regimen may not work as well as before. In such cases, the treatment plan should be reworked.


Male pattern baldness (AGA) treatment explained in detail AGA treatment is important to slow the progression of thinning hair and maintain hair health.

The earlier AGA treatment is started, the more effective it is; once treatment is interrupted, there is a risk that the progression of hair loss will resume. Therefore, ongoing treatment and regular physician visits are essential.

AGA treatment is not a one-time procedure, but requires ongoing care. It is important to separate it as one more pre-existing condition and to continue treatment on an ongoing basis.

We hope that through this article, you will deepen your knowledge and understanding of AGA treatment and approach treatment with confidence.

At Osaka AGA Kato Clinic, many of our patients experience hair regrowth results in approximately 3 to 6 months. Start your journey to hair regrowth with a free consultation at Osaka AGA Kato Clinic. You can easily make a reservation on Line. Click here to make a reservation.
